We had a lot of missing materials so I decided to improvise and use crepe paper which is thin enough to create vivid shadows. Instead of painting the box, I used art papers to cover the box. It looked like it had a Christmas themed thanks to the red crepe paper and green art paper.

Materials used
Art papers
Crepe paper
Watching our artwork come to life and make silly stories about the flower, butterfly, tree and house was definitely a fun activity! Inspired by Club Knots, Shadow Play not only fosters imagination but it can teach our kids about sizes by playing around with the distance of the artwork and the flashlight (of my phone).
My daughter was saying that it was a big butterfly and I asked her if she knew how to make it smaller. I showed her that if you distanced the butterfly, you could make it look smaller.
Join Club Knots
For bonding activity ideas that are not only creative but are sure to create fun memories, join the club on their Facebook page.
You can create your own shapes or download Club Knots’ shadow play printables or create your own shapes. Watch the Club Knots Shadow Play video here: https://tinyurl.com/ClubKnotsShadowPlay.
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